Electric cooperatives have served Arkansans since 1938 when First Electric Cooperative Corp. in Jacksonville first turned on power to its distribution system. In the years since that landmark occasion, other electric distribution cooperatives have been formed in Arkansas, bringing the statewide total to 17. Today, cooperative service areas cover more than 60% of the land area in Arkansas and include more than 500,000 homes, farms, and businesses.

Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative

Ashley-Chicot Cooperative

C&L Electric Cooperative Corporation

Carroll Electric Cooperative

Clay County Electric Cooperative

Craighead Electric Cooperative

Farmers Electric Cooperative

First Electric Cooperative

Mississippi County Electric Cooperative

North Arkansas Electric Cooperative

Ouachita Electric Cooperative

Ozarks Electric Cooperative

Petit Jean Electric Cooperative

Rich Mountain Electric Cooperative

South Central Arkansas Electric Cooperative

Southwest Arkansas Electric Cooperative

Woodruff Electric Cooperative